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NixOS allows declarative configuration management of the whole system and deployed services.

To start using NixOS choose [vpsAdminOS] NixOS template.

If you have set your public SSH keys in vpsAdmin the key will be automatically deployed and you can login as root right away. To be able to login with a password you need to set the password manually after your container is created.


Configuration is available at


This can be altered to change container configuration on the fly or for next reboot. Try changing container hostname and running

nixos-rebuild switch

to build new configuration and directly switch to it. To switch to new configuration after reboot (set as a default boot profile) use

nixos-rebuild boot

If you are using channels you can update your system by running

nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade

Package installation

Packages can be installed system wide via configuration.nix or for local profile via


To install vim use

nix-env -iA nixos.vim

To search for a package use

nix-env -qaP postgre


Consult NixOS manual for more https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/

Legacy OpenVZ templates

Due to compatibility issues with OpenVZ it is no longer recommended to use the old infrastructure for new deployments.

Common issues

SSH public key deployment fails

This can occur on first boot of the template when there's no /root yet. Disable automatic key deployment and deploy key manually after the containers boot.

error: while setting up the build environment: unable to load seccomp BPF program: Invalid argument

Nix ≥ 1.11.10 requires seccomp, which is not available on vpsFree. To fix this, pin Nix to 1.11.9 by adding the following option to configuration.nix and rebuilding the system:

    nix.package = (import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
	owner = "NixOS";
	repo = "nixpkgs";
	rev = "300fa462b31ad2106d37fcdb4b504ec60dfd62aa";
	sha256 = "1cbjmi34ll5xa2nafz0jlsciivj62mq78qr3zl4skgdk6scl328s";
    }) {}).nix;

In the future, it will be possible to disable seccomp usage.

systemd 233+ compatibility issues

Causes boot failures, workaround is pinning systemd to version 232:

    nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = super: 
	let systemdGperfCompat = super.systemd.override { gperf = super.gperf_3_0; };
	in {
          systemd = systemdGperfCompat.overrideAttrs ( oldAttrs: rec {
            version = "232";
            name = "systemd-${version}";
            src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
              owner = "nixos";
              repo = "systemd";
              rev = "66e778e851440fde7f20cff0c24d23538144be8d";
              sha256 = "1valz8v2q4cj0ipz2b6mh5p0rjxpy3m88gg9xa2rcc4gcmscndzk";


Log contents <code> Failed to canonicalize path /etc/systemd/system/local-fs.target.d: Too many levels of symbolic links

$ journalctl -o verbose

  _CMDLINE=/run/current-system/systemd/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 19
  MESSAGE=Failed to canonicalize path /etc/systemd/system/local-fs.target.d: Too many levels of symbolic links
navody/distribuce/nixos.1540636196.txt.gz · Poslední úprava: 2018/10/27 10:29 autor: rmarko

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