GlusterFS bez cap_sys_admin

Ve výchozím stavu používá GlusterFS xattrs, který není dostupný pod kontejnery, bez cap_sys_admin capabilities. Tady je stručný návod k sestavení GlusterFS pod Debianem tak, aby používal uživatelské namespaces:

# Nejprve nainstalujeme potřebné závislosti:
apt-get install dpkg-dev fuse
apt-get build-dep glusterfs

# Stáhneme zdrojové kódy glusterfs
apt-get source glusterfs

# Pokud máte problémy s některými GPG klíči, můžete si je přidat:
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 90CBD8E4

# Upravte zdrojové kódy prostým "najdi a změň"
cd glusterfs-3.5.2/
find . -regex '.*/[^/]*\.[ch]' -exec sed -i 's/"trusted\./"user./g' {} \;

# Sestavte balíčky
dpkg-source --commit
cd ..

# Nainstalujte je
dpkg -i glusterfs-*.deb

Funkční svazek:

gluster> volume info

Volume Name: shared
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 7253c6d6-aec0-4804-9bb5-c4b0150d69bc
Status: Started
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp

Výkonnostní testy na

iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/tmp/f{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.ioz
        Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
                Version $Revision: 3.430 $
                Compiled for 64 bit mode.
                Build: linux-AMD64

        Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
                     Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
                     Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
                     Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
                     Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
                     Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
                     Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
                     Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa.

        Run began: Fri Jul 17 11:48:28 2015

        Setting no_unlink
        Include close in write timing
        Include fsync in write timing
        No retest option selected
        Record Size 64 kB
        File size set to 1048576 kB
        Command line used: ./iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/tmp/f0.ioz /mnt/tmp/f1.ioz /mnt/tmp/f2.ioz /mnt/tmp/f3.ioz /mnt/tmp/f4.ioz /mnt/tmp/f5.ioz /mnt/tmp/f6.ioz /mnt/tmp/f7.ioz /mnt/tmp/f8.ioz
        Output is in kBytes/sec
        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
        Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
        Throughput test with 8 processes
        Each process writes a 1048576 kByte file in 64 kByte records

        Children see throughput for  8 initial writers  =   53489.47 kB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  8 initial writers   =   53204.68 kB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =    6546.01 kB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =    6947.46 kB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =    6686.18 kB/sec
        Min xfer                                        = 1009216.00 kB
        Child[0] xfer count = 1024000.00 kB, Throughput =    6642.03 kB/sec
        Child[1] xfer count = 1045696.00 kB, Throughput =    6782.18 kB/sec
        Child[2] xfer count = 1034880.00 kB, Throughput =    6712.34 kB/sec
        Child[3] xfer count = 1022080.00 kB, Throughput =    6629.23 kB/sec
        Child[4] xfer count = 1011328.00 kB, Throughput =    6559.43 kB/sec
        Child[5] xfer count = 1009216.00 kB, Throughput =    6546.01 kB/sec
        Child[6] xfer count = 1048576.00 kB, Throughput =    6947.46 kB/sec
        Child[7] xfer count = 1028352.00 kB, Throughput =    6670.79 kB/sec

iozone test complete.

Svazek GlusterFS:

iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/shared/f{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.ioz
        Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
                Version $Revision: 3.430 $
                Compiled for 64 bit mode.
                Build: linux-AMD64

        Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
                     Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
                     Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
                     Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
                     Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
                     Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
                     Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
                     Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa.

        Run began: Fri Jul 17 12:19:17 2015

        Setting no_unlink
        Include close in write timing
        Include fsync in write timing
        No retest option selected
        Record Size 64 kB
        File size set to 1048576 kB
        Command line used: ./iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/shared/f0.ioz /mnt/shared/f1.ioz /mnt/shared/f2.ioz /mnt/shared/f3.ioz /mnt/shared/f4.ioz /mnt/shared/f5.ioz /mnt/shared/f6.ioz /mnt/shared/f7.ioz /mnt/shared/f8.ioz
        Output is in kBytes/sec
        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
        Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
        Throughput test with 8 processes
        Each process writes a 1048576 kByte file in 64 kByte records

        Children see throughput for  8 initial writers  =   23963.82 kB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  8 initial writers   =   14037.13 kB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =    1783.32 kB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =    5134.14 kB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =    2995.48 kB/sec
        Min xfer                                        =  364224.00 kB
        Child[0] xfer count =  528192.00 kB, Throughput =    2584.27 kB/sec
        Child[1] xfer count =  525248.00 kB, Throughput =    2571.77 kB/sec
        Child[2] xfer count =  364224.00 kB, Throughput =    1783.32 kB/sec
        Child[3] xfer count = 1048576.00 kB, Throughput =    5134.14 kB/sec
        Child[4] xfer count =  526400.00 kB, Throughput =    2577.41 kB/sec
        Child[5] xfer count = 1003200.00 kB, Throughput =    4907.09 kB/sec
        Child[6] xfer count =  526144.00 kB, Throughput =    2576.12 kB/sec
        Child[7] xfer count =  373696.00 kB, Throughput =    1829.70 kB/sec

iozone test complete.

Test na ZFS s xattr=sa:

iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/test/f{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}.ioz
        Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O
                Version $Revision: 3.430 $
                Compiled for 64 bit mode.
                Build: linux-AMD64

        Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins
                     Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss
                     Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR,
                     Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Gavin Brebner,
                     Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Benny Halevy, Dave Boone,
                     Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong, Joshua Root,
                     Fabrice Bacchella, Zhenghua Xue, Qin Li, Darren Sawyer,
                     Vangel Bojaxhi, Ben England, Vikentsi Lapa.

        Run began: Wed Jul 22 08:09:08 2015

        Setting no_unlink
        Include close in write timing
        Include fsync in write timing
        No retest option selected
        Record Size 64 kB
        File size set to 1048576 kB
        Command line used: ./iozone -w -c -e -i 0 -+n -C -r 64k -s 1g -t 8 -F /mnt/test/f0.ioz /mnt/test/f1.ioz /mnt/test/f2.ioz /mnt/test/f3.ioz /mnt/test/f4.ioz /mnt/test/f5.ioz /mnt/test/f6.ioz /mnt/test/f7.ioz /mnt/test/f8.ioz
        Output is in kBytes/sec
        Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds.
        Processor cache size set to 1024 kBytes.
        Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes.
        File stride size set to 17 * record size.
        Throughput test with 8 processes
        Each process writes a 1048576 kByte file in 64 kByte records

        Children see throughput for  8 initial writers  =   26844.98 kB/sec
        Parent sees throughput for  8 initial writers   =   26766.06 kB/sec
        Min throughput per process                      =    3354.94 kB/sec
        Max throughput per process                      =    3356.57 kB/sec
        Avg throughput per process                      =    3355.62 kB/sec
        Min xfer                                        = 1048064.00 kB
        Child[0] xfer count = 1048256.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.46 kB/sec
        Child[1] xfer count = 1048256.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.55 kB/sec
        Child[2] xfer count = 1048384.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.87 kB/sec
        Child[3] xfer count = 1048064.00 kB, Throughput =    3354.94 kB/sec
        Child[4] xfer count = 1048576.00 kB, Throughput =    3356.57 kB/sec
        Child[5] xfer count = 1048256.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.47 kB/sec
        Child[6] xfer count = 1048256.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.65 kB/sec
        Child[7] xfer count = 1048256.00 kB, Throughput =    3355.47 kB/sec

iozone test complete.